Seize the opportunity to experience university life with UCD’s Summer School for secondary school students entering 6th Year or (Year 13 A-Level) in September 2024.
Agricultural Sciences Summer School
Wednesday June 5th, 9.00am-4.00pm
For students interested in studying Agricultural Science, Food and Agribusiness Management, Forestry, Horticulture, Agri-Environmental Sciences, Animal Science -Equine, Animal Science, Animal and Crop Production, Dairy Business, Crop Science, Agricultural Systems Technology, Food Business with Chinese Studies or Sustainable Food Systems at UCD.
What happens on the day?
The UCD Agricultural Sciences Summer School is an excellent opportunity to explore the eleven exciting BAgrSc programmes on offer as well as the new BSc in Sustainable Food Systems programme.
Who can register?
The Summer School is for students who are going into 6th year or Year 13 (A Level) in September 2024.
What does it cost?
The UCD Agricultural Sciences Summer School costs €35 and includes a sandwich lunch and tea/coffee. A reduced rate of €15 is available for applicants whose families are in receipt of job-seekers or disability payments. If you wish to avail of this discount rate please email summerschool@ucd.ie for a discount code before booking your course.
Enquiries in relation to the UCD Agricultural Sciences Summer School can be made to Damien Dempsey (damien.dempsey@ucd.ie)
Where will the UCD Agricultural Sciences Summer School take place?
The Agricultural Sciences Summer School will take place in the UCD Agriculture and Food Science Centre. The building is number 2 on the UCD Map. Participants will travel to UCD Lyons Farm during the day and return to Belfield for further activities in the afternoon.