Seize the opportunity to experience university life with UCD’s Summer School for secondary school students entering 6th Year or (Year 13 A-Level) in September 2024.
Computer Science Summer School
Thursday June 6th, 9.30am – 3.30pm
You will be able to choose one of the following sessions on the booking form depending on your experience with Computer Science.
– Beginner: Someone who has not previously learned Python and is not familiar with the language and syntax.
– Intermediate: Someone who has learned Python including the language, syntax or learning to code. This includes touching on the common built-in libraries, learning classes, and basic object-oriented programming.
– Advanced: Someone who can write programs using the right tools and libraries or who has completed some practice projects in Python.
More information will be provided on the schedule and lunch arrangements once your place is booked. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Dunne at AskScience@ucd.ie.
What happens on the day?
The day will include a range of practical sessions and talks in the areas of computer science and computer science with data science.
Who can register?
The Summer School is for students who are going into 6th year or Year 13 (A Level) in September 2024.
What does it cost?
The UCD Computer Science Summer School costs €35 and includes a sandwich lunch and tea/coffee. A reduced rate of €15 is available for applicants whose families are in receipt of job-seekers or disability payments. If you wish to avail of this discount rate please email summerschool@ucd.ie for a discount code before booking your course.
Enquiries in relation to the UCD Computer Science Summer School can be made to Gary Dunne at AskScience@ucd.ie.
Where will the UCD Computer Science Summer School take place?
The UCD Computer Science Summer School will take place in the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science. The building is number 64 on the UCD Map
Time | Activity |
09:30 | Registration & Welcome: Meet Your Student Leader |
10:00 | Programming 1 |
11:00 | Talk – What is Computer Science? |
11:45 | Programming 2 |
12:45 | Lunch |
13:45 | Workshop: Life as a Computer Science Undergraduate |
14:15 | Lunch in the main restuarant |
15:15 | Feedback & Finish |